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Celebration - World Folktale Day

Tomorrow is World Folktale day!

So, I thought I’d share with you a book on my TBR that has its roots in folktale.

It’s incredible how many stories are inspired by folktales. In a way you could argue all modern novels stem from that because they are a part of storytelling history. Though some have a firmer foot in the realm of lore and tales.

What book on your TBR is inspired by a folktale?

Have you read an incredible book based off of one?

Or have a favourite author who revels in them?

Let us know in the comments so we can start frantically adding them to our TBR 😉

I can’t wait to dive into this book by Naomi Novik. I’m hoping to get it read next month.

I hope you find a way to enjoy and celebrate the day. Happy Friday everyone! And an added Bunny in the pic to brighten your day.

*Originally posted on Instagram*

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